Profiling and characterization of plant-based products consumers in Chile




The consumption trend of plant-based products has increased worldwide due to different reasons, and Chile has been a good example of this trend. Although sustainability, health, nutrition and taste may all seem to be main drivers for flexitarians seeking plant-based food and beverages, to date there is no research that allows characterizing and profiling Chilean consumers of plant-based products. Hence, this work seeks to close this gap. To address this problem, we conducted an online survey of 512 people, mainly focused on the Metropolitan Region and Valparaíso. Using Ward’s method, we identified 3 clusters: (1) Animal friendly, (2) Planet friendly and (3) Healthy lifestyle, where, respectively, animal welfare, care for the environment and concern for health are prioritized.


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Biografía del autor/a

Zócimo Campos, Facultad de Administración y Economía, USACH

PhD in Administration Sciences and Master´s in Planning and Tax Management from Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Auditor Accountant from the Catholic University of Maule and he holds a Diploma in International Accounting Standards – IFRS from Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. He currently works in the Department of Accounting and Auditing at the Faculty of Administration and Economics at USACH. He also serves there as Director of the Master´s in Finance program. His research focuses on sustainability and finance, transfer pricing management strategies among multinational companies, and public finance through tax collection.

Fernando Yanine, Universidad Finis Terrae. Santiago de Chile / Chile

Professional engineer, researcher, and academic at Universidad Finis Terrae’s Faculty of Engineering in Santiago, Chile, and a professor in the MBA program at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (UTFSM). He consults for various companies and holds an Sc.D. and M.Sc. in Industrial & Systems Engineering from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at El Paso, and a Civil-Industrial Engineer’s degree and M.Sc. from Chilean institutions. His research focuses on technological entrepreneurship, sustainable energy systems, and high-performance enterprise systems.

Christopher Nikulin Chandia, Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Santiago de Chile / Chile

Mechanical Engineer with an MSc in Mechanical Engineering and a Master’s in Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship from Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, an MBA from Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain, and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Politecnico di Milano. He is a faculty member at the Faculty of Engineering, Universidad Alberto Hurtado. His research focuses on systematic innovation and the product development process.

Claudia Oyarce Ibarra, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María. Santiago de Chile / Chile

Research assistant in the Engineering Department at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, in Santiago de Chile.


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Cómo citar

Campos, Z., Yanine, F., Nikulin Chandia, C., & Oyarce Ibarra, C. (2024). Profiling and characterization of plant-based products consumers in Chile. Barataria. Revista Castellano-Manchega De Ciencias Sociales, (36), 40–54.


